Available Exmark Mowers - Searching.................

About new and used Exmark Mowers

Exmark mowers are, in my opinion, the best commercial mower on the market today for large area mowing. I have always used Exmark lawnmowers for my commercial, residential and industrial properties. In the past I have used the Exmark Metro walk behind mowers to service my smaller properties but now I use the Wrights Stander for my small residential properties because it takes up less trailer space. I still keep two Metros for spares. Servicing the Mowers is really easy but you may need to use a breaker bar to get the blades off of the older Exmark Lazers. Aside from replacing a few broken belts and a broken spindle or two the only high dollar repairs have been replacing hydro pumps on my older Exmark Lazer z 72s. These machines were built a little too heavy for the capacity of the hydro pump which led to the pump seals blowing out when too much strain was put on the mower. Thats what my dealer told me. I did mow some crazy hills.
I found a great deal on a blade balancer available from J C Whitney. They are on sale for a little over 5 bucks. Balanced blades reduce vibration that causes excess wear and tear on your mowers spindles and pulleys. You can click on the link below to check it out.


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